What are Sex Toys: Choosing the Right One

Do you want to try sexy toys at www.sexvibrators.in but don't know which ones to choose or how to use them?

What are Sex Toys​? A brief history of sex toys

Sex toys among the Greeks and Romans
Often considered as objects of the 21st century, sex toys have, however, more distant origins. Already represented on ancient Greek and Roman pottery, they are named, respectively, olisbos (“objects in the shape of a phallus”, in stone, wood or leather) and gaude mihi (“joy me”), which will give rise to, later, at the term dildo.
Ancient Asia was also fond of these objects. "The Kâma Sûtra already speaks of accessories" , while during the Japanese Middle Ages, the emperors offered their wives an "object of absence", a long polished stone wrapped in silk, to make them wait during their departures.
During the Renaissance, the Italians discovered the diletto (“delight”), which later gave rise to the Anglo-Saxon term didlo. At this time, the first glass toys appeared, which could be filled with hot water. "You can even find them in the coffers of the ladies of European courts" , so much so that Ronsard would have been jealous of Hélène's dildo, which he claimed was the cause of his failure with her.

Sex Toys

How to use Sex Toys for Women​: The arrival of the vibrator

In the middle of the 19th century, the first rubber dildos appeared. “The electricity fairy makes it possible to create vibrators that vibrate, massage and rotate. They were first used in a medical context, to treat muscle pain and various illnesses, collectively referred to as “hysteria” (the doctor then performed massages on the vulva, which were supposed to be soothing) . They then entered the private sphere and, in the 20th century, the first battery-operated models appeared. If they are present in the erotic films of the 20s, they will be pushed back into the circuits of insiders until the 60s, because "marked with the seal of pornography and, even worse, of sexual pleasure".

How Sex Toys Work​: Why use them (or not)?

The French, hesitant about sex toys. Only 20% of French people use a sex toy, while the Americans and the English are respectively 43% and 49% to own one*. Similarly, sex toys are more popular in northern Europe than in southern countries. Differences that the authors attribute, in part, to the weight of religion - which has long condemned pleasure - permeating Latin cultures. Conversely, “the countries where sexuality (…) is often experienced in a more open and assumed way are [those] of Protestant influence” .
*Durex Survey 2004

Is Sex Toys Safe? 3 good reasons to use them

1) Because they allow you to get to know each other better. Toys can allow users to learn what makes their bodies happy. Better still, many sexologists “prescribe” them to their patients who fail to enjoy . Sexy toys are also a reassuring intermediary between the hands of those who have never dared to masturbate and their sex, thus encouraging them to discover themselves.
2) Because they spice up the couple's sex life. Contrary to popular belief, sex toys are used more as a couple than solo. They can spice up a relationship that has become too routine and be the source of new erotic games.
3) Because they can give pleasure. Quite simply.

Must Have Sex Toys: A possibility, not an obligation

“Sex is a matter of pleasure and not of obligation” , write the authors. And for good reason, anyone who forces themselves to use an erotic accessory when it puts them off, simply to be fashionable, risks being very disappointed. Worse, sex toys can make you addicted. To the point that some users swear by them, forgetting all human sexuality, in favor of mechanical pleasure. It's up to everyone to create the erotic territory that suits them, by setting the limits they want to set or, on the contrary, want to go beyond.

How to Make Sex Toys for Girls​: Dildos

What is a dildo?
A dildo is a phallic object intended to be introduced into the orifice of one's choice. In the strict sense, it does not vibrate. It is the hand that activates it, to determine the inclination, the depth and the speed of the penetration. These sex toys now come in all shapes, sizes, colors and are available in realistic or more fun versions (fluorescent, fruit-shaped, animal-shaped, etc.).
How to use it (after applying a lubricant )?
SOLO Women can use the dildo externally (to caress their clitoris with the rounded tip) or internally, combining, why not, this penetration with superficial manual masturbation . Men can, with it, discover the pleasures of the prostate, located a few centimeters from the anus.
IN DUO As a couple, the dildo has multiple functions. Not only can masturbatory games be exposed to the partner, but the toy can also take on the role of a third sidekick who would integrate into the couple's antics. Used before intercourse, it can help a woman get to sex faster.enjoyment, once her spouse penetrates her. It also helps gentlemen with erectile dysfunction or premature ejaculators to better satisfy their partner.
How to choose it?
SHAPE To stimulate your G-spot , choose a curved dildo; to tickle the entrance to your vagina, a toy with reliefs; for deep penetration, a long and straight model.
THE MATERIAL The “cashmere of sex toys” is silicone, according to the authors. Neither soft nor hard, it adapts quickly to body temperature and is not very allergenic; made of gelatinous latex, the toys are more flexible and affordable; in plastic, they are smooth and genderless; in glass, they are firm and soft; made of metal, they can be dangerous for beginners.
THE SIZEWhen it comes to dildos, width is more important than length. Because, if you can adapt to an object that is too long by not tucking it in completely, it is difficult to take pleasure with a toy that is too thin or, on the contrary, so wide that it can hurt.
How to maintain it?
Wash your dildo with warm water and soap, avoiding aggressive products.

How to Use a Female Sex Toy​: The vibrators

What is a vibrator?
The vibrator is a sexy accessory, phallic in shape or not, equipped with a motor that stimulates the erogenous zones through vibrations (about 2000 per minute). If it is the most popular of sex toys, it is probably because it “provides stimulation that no penis, tongue or finger can provide”.
How to use it (after applying a lubricant)?
SOLO The vibrator is used, in most women, externally. In order not to rush the 4000 nerve endings of the clitoris , go slowly, caressing other erogenous zones first ( breasts , earlobes, etc.). Then apply the device to the genital lips and vary the intensity of the vibrations and hand pressure. You are free to make movements (back and forth, rotation, etc.) or not. The more seasoned will insert a dildo into their vagina just before orgasm , to feel the vaginal muscles contract around it.
IN DUO The vibrator can spice up cunnilingus, or stimulate the woman's clitoris while her partner penetrates her. Men are not left out. A vibrator can tickle their penis, testicle and perineum, a particularly sensitive area between the testicles and the anus.
How to choose it?
SHAPE Do you need penetration to enjoy? Or is clitoral stimulation enough for you? In the first case, a phallic-shaped vibrator is indicated. In the second, the choice will be a smaller vibro, in the shape of your choice (pebble, duck, fake lipstick, etc.).
THE MATERIAL Vibrators are made of the same materials as dildos. These are all the more decisive in the choice of this toy, as a rigid vibrator "faithfully transmits the vibrations while the flexible textures absorb some of them" , indicate the authors.
THE NOISE The noise generated by the vibrator is a determining criterion of choice, at the risk of being embarrassed during its use. Do not hesitate to light it in the store if you have the possibility, or to inquire about the opinions about it on the web, before you start.
How to maintain it?
The same way as a dildo: by washing it with soap and water. Never immerse it in a liquid – except for a product that can be used in water – at the risk of damaging its motor.

Do Women Enjoy Sex Toys​: Love balls

What are love balls ?
These are two balls the size of ping pong balls connected together by a cord. They themselves contain other balls, which move at the slightest movement. They can be worn from a few minutes to several hours and give the feeling of being constantly penetrated – Japanese courtesans wore them all day long to be ready to “welcome” their lover on his return.
How to use them (after applying a lubricant )?
LIKE AN EROTIC GAME Geisha balls can be worn anywhere. They offer a certain physical pleasure, thanks to the balls which collide, but these sensations remain limited and will not lead you to orgasm . The pleasure of wearing them is above all psychological, because they “play on the range of retained pleasure” : only you know that they are in your intimacy. What could be more exciting, then, than wearing them secretly during a romantic dinner and whispering it in the ear of your partner?
TO TRAIN THE MUSCLES OF YOUR PERINEE Beyond the pleasure they provide, geisha balls strengthen the perineum...without the wearer being aware of it. The vagina is indeed forced to contract so as not to drop the balls, which will give you (and your partner) more pleasure during your future lovemaking. An exercise all the more effective if you get into the habit of tightening your vagina yourself around these balls, to discover new sensations.
How to choose them?
Geisha balls are available in silver and gold. But it is better to prefer more classic materials such as latex, plastic or silicone, so as not to rush the very fragile mucous membranes.
How to maintain them?
The same way as dildos and vibrators.